BYU Astronomy Research Group Joins the Astrophysical Research Consortium (ARC)

As of January 2021 BYU will be a member of the ARC Consortium (Link to Consortium) with access to the ARC 3.5-m telescope and the 0.5-m ARCSAT telescope.  The primary use of the ARC 3.5-m telescope time is for graduate student projects.  This provides a wide array of instrumentation that is currently being used to study objects in the solar system all the way to studies of the large scale structure of the Universe.

Other BYU Astronomy Facilities

In addition to our telescope time from the ARC consortium, we operate a number of our own astronomical facilities

West Mountain Observatory (West Mountain)

This is our mountain observatory at about 6600 ft above sea level.  This consists of three telescopes: 0.9-m, 0.5-m, and a 0.32-m. It is a 40 minute drive that ends in a 5 miles drive up a dirt road. The mountain itself can be seen from campus. We don't provide any tours of this facility.

Orson Pratt Observatory

The Orson Pratt Observatory is named for an early apostle of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  It is our campus telescope facility and contains a wide variety of telescopes for student research and public outreach. We operate a 24" PlaneWave telescope in the main campus dome, plus a 16", two 12", one 8", and a 6" telescope on our observation deck.  The telescopes are all fully robotic. Beyond this we have a large sections of telescopes used on public nights.

Royden G. Derrick Planetarium (Planetarium)

This is a 119 seat, 39" dome planetarium with acoustically treated walls to allow it's use as a lecture room. Recently we upgraded to an E&S Digistar7 operating system with 4K projectors.  The planetarium is used for teaching classes, public outreach, and astronomy education research projects.

Selected Publications

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By A V Mosenkov (et al.)

The dust mass absorption coefficient, κd is the conversion function used to infer physical dust masses from observations of dust emission. However, it is notoriously poorly constrained, and it is highly uncertain how it varies, either between or within galaxies. Here we present the results of a proof-of-concept study, using the DustPedia data for two nearby face-on spiral galaxies M 74 (NGC 628) and M 83 (NGC 5236), to create the first ever maps of κd in galaxies. We determine κd using an empirical method that exploits the fact that the dust-to-metals ratio of the interstellar medium is constrained by direct measurements of the depletion of gas-phase metals. We apply this method pixel-by-pixel within M 74 and M 83, to create maps of κd. We also demonstrate a novel method of producing metallicity maps for galaxies with irregularly sampled measurements, using the machine learning technique of Gaussian process regression. We find strong evidence for significant variation in κd. We find values of κd at 500 μm spanning the range 0.11-0.25 m^{2 kg^{-1}} in M 74, and 0.15-0.80 m^{2 kg^{-1}} in M 83. Surprisingly, we find that κd shows a distinct inverse correlation with the local density of the interstellar medium. This inverse correlation is the opposite of what is predicted by standard dust models. However, we find this relationship to be robust against a large range of changes to our method - only the adoption of unphysical or highly unusual assumptions would be able to suppress it.

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By A. Mosenkov (et al.)

Aims: We compare the far-infrared to sub-millimetre dust emission properties measured in high Galactic latitude cirrus with those determined in a sample of 204 late-type DustPedia galaxies. The aim is to verify if it is appropriate to use Milky Way dust properties to derive dust masses in external galaxies.

Methods: We used Herschel observations and atomic and molecular gas masses to estimate ɛ(250 μm), the disc-averaged dust emissivity at 250 μm, and from this, the absorption cross section per H atom σ(250 μm) and per dust mass κ(250 μm). The emissivity ɛ(250 μm) requires one assumption, which is the CO-to-H2 conversion factor, and the dust temperature is additionally required for σ(250 μm); yet another constraint on the dust-to-hydrogen ratio D/H, depending on metallicity, is required for κ(250 μm).

Results: We find ɛ(250 μm) = 0.82 ± 0.07 MJy sr-1 (1020 H cm-2)-1 for galaxies with 4 < F(250 μm)/F(500 μm) < 5. This depends only weakly on the adopted CO-to-H2 conversion factor. The value is almost the same as that for the Milky Way at the same colour ratio. Instead, for F(250 μm)/F(500 μm) > 6, ɛ(250 μm) is lower than predicted by its dependence on the heating conditions. The reduction suggests a variation in dust emission properties for spirals of earlier type, higher metallicity, and with a higher fraction of molecular gas. When the standard emission properties of Galactic cirrus are used for these galaxies, their dust masses might be underestimated by up to a factor of two. Values for σ(250 μm) and κ(250 μm) at the Milky Way metallicity are also close to those of the cirrus. Mild trends of the absorption cross sections with metallicity are found, although the results depend on the assumptions made.

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By A. V. Mosenkov (et al.)

We use a sub-set of the DustPedia galaxy sample (461 galaxies) to investigate the effect the environment has had on galaxies. We consider Virgo cluster and field samples and also assign a density contrast parameter to each galaxy, as defined by the local density of SDSS galaxies. We consider their chemical evolution (using MDust/MBaryon and MGas/MBaryon), their specific star formation rate (SFR/MStars), star formation efficiency (SFR/MGas), stars-to-dust mass ratio (MStars/MDust), gas-to-dust mass ratio (MGas/MDust) and the relationship between star formation rate per unit mass of dust and dust temperature (SFR/MDust and TDust). Late type galaxies (later than Sc) in all of the environments can be modelled using simple closed box chemical evolution and a simple star formation history (SFR(t) ∝ t exp-t/τ). For earlier type galaxies the physical mechanisms that give rise to their properties are clearly much more varied and require a more complicated model (mergers, gas in or outflow). However, we find little or no difference in the properties of galaxies of the same morphological type within the cluster, field or with different density contrasts. It appears that it is morphology, how and whenever this is laid down, and consistent internal physical processes that primarily determine the derived properties of galaxies in the DustPedia sample and not processes related to differences in the local environment.

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By A. V. Mosenkov (et al.)

Aims. Within the framework of the DustPedia project we investigate the properties of cosmic dust and its interaction with stellar radiation (originating from different stellar populations) for 814 galaxies in the nearby Universe, all observed by the Herschel Space Observatory.

Methods. We take advantage of the widely used fitting code CIGALE, properly adapted to include the state-of-the-art dust model THEMIS. For comparison purposes, an estimation of the dust properties is provided by approximating the emission at far-infrared and sub-millimeter wavelengths with a modified blackbody. Using the DustPedia photometry we determine the physical properties of the galaxies, such as the dust and stellar mass, the star-formation rate, the bolometric luminosity, the unattenuated and the absorbed by dust stellar light, for both the old (> 200 Myr) and young (≤200 Myr) stellar populations.

Results. We show how the mass of stars, dust, and atomic gas, as well as the star-formation rate and the dust temperature vary between galaxies of different morphologies and provide recipes to estimate these parameters given their Hubble stage (T). We find a mild correlation between the mass fraction of the small a-C(:H) grains with the specific star-formation rate. On average, young stars are very efficient in heating the dust, with absorption fractions reaching as high as ∼77% of the total unattenuated luminosity of this population. On the other hand, the maximum absorption fraction of old stars is ∼24%. Dust heating in early-type galaxies is mainly due to old stars, up to a level of ∼90%. Young stars progressively contribute more for “typical” spiral galaxies and they become the dominant source of dust heating for Sm-type and irregular galaxies, with ∼60% of their luminosity contributing to that purpose. Finally, we find a strong correlation of the dust heating fraction by young stars with morphology and the specific star-formation rate.

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We present new isochrone fits to colour-magnitude diagrams of the Galactic globular cluster NGC 5904 (M5). We utilize 29 photometric bands from the ultraviolet to mid-infrared by the use of the data from the Hubble Space Telescope, Gaia DR2, Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), and other photometric data. In our isochrone fitting we use the PAdova and TRieste Stellar Evolution Code, the MESA Isochrones and Stellar Tracks, the Dartmouth Stellar Evolution Program, and a Bag of Stellar Tracks and Isochrones for both the solar-scaled and enhanced He and α abundances with a metallicity about [Fe/H]=-1.33 adopted from the literature. All tools provide us with estimates of the distance, age, and extinction law to the cluster. The best-fitting distance, true distance modulus, and age are 7.4 ± 0.3 kpc, 14.34 ± 0.09 mag, and 12.15 ± 1.00 Gyr, respectively. The derived distance agrees with the literature, including the Gaia DR2 parallax with its known global zero-point correction. All the data and models, except some UV and SDSS data, agree with the extinction law of Cardelli-Clayton-Mathis with RV = 3.60 ± 0.05 and AV = 0.20 ± 0.02 mag. This extinction is twice as high as generally accepted due to a rather high extinction between 625 and 2000 nm. An offset of the model colours instead of the high extinction in this range is a less likely, yet possible explanation of the discovered large deviations of the isochrones from the data.

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By A. V. Mosenkov (et al.)

Observations of evolution in the dust-to-metal ratio allow us to constrain the dominant dust processing mechanisms. In this work, we present a study of the dust-to-metal and dust-to-gas ratios in a sub-sample of ~500 DustPedia galaxies. Using literature and MUSE emission line fluxes, we derived gas-phase metallicities (oxygen abundances) for over 10 000 individual regions and determine characteristic metallicities for each galaxy. We study how the relative dust, gas, and metal contents of galaxies evolve by using metallicity and gas fraction as proxies for evolutionary state. The global oxygen abundance and nitrogen-to-oxygen ratio are found to increase monotonically as galaxies evolve. Additionally, unevolved galaxies (gas fraction >60%, metallicity 12 + log(O/H) < 8.2) have dust-to-metal ratios that are about a factor of 2.1 lower (a factor of six lower for galaxies with gas fraction >80%) than the typical dust-to-metal ratio (Md/MZ ~ 0.214) for more evolved sources. However, for high gas fractions, the scatter is larger due to larger observational uncertainties as well as a potential dependence of the dust grain growth timescale and supernova dust yield on local conditions and star formation histories. We find chemical evolution models with a strong contribution from dust grain growth describe these observations reasonably well. The dust-to-metal ratio is also found to be lower for low stellar masses and high specific star formation rates (with the exception of some sources undergoing a starburst). Finally, the metallicity gradient correlates weakly with the HI-to-stellar mass ratio, the effective radius and the dust-to-stellar mass ratio, but not with stellar mass.