BYU Astronomy Research Group Joins the Astrophysical Research Consortium (ARC)

As of January 2021 BYU will be a member of the ARC Consortium (Link to Consortium) with access to the ARC 3.5-m telescope and the 0.5-m ARCSAT telescope.  The primary use of the ARC 3.5-m telescope time is for graduate student projects.  This provides a wide array of instrumentation that is currently being used to study objects in the solar system all the way to studies of the large scale structure of the Universe.

Other BYU Astronomy Facilities

In addition to our telescope time from the ARC consortium, we operate a number of our own astronomical facilities

West Mountain Observatory (West Mountain)

This is our mountain observatory at about 6600 ft above sea level.  This consists of three telescopes: 0.9-m, 0.5-m, and a 0.32-m. It is a 40 minute drive that ends in a 5 miles drive up a dirt road. The mountain itself can be seen from campus. We don't provide any tours of this facility.

Orson Pratt Observatory

The Orson Pratt Observatory is named for an early apostle of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  It is our campus telescope facility and contains a wide variety of telescopes for student research and public outreach. We operate a 24" PlaneWave telescope in the main campus dome, plus a 16", two 12", one 8", and a 6" telescope on our observation deck.  The telescopes are all fully robotic. Beyond this we have a large sections of telescopes used on public nights.

Royden G. Derrick Planetarium (Planetarium)

This is a 119 seat, 39" dome planetarium with acoustically treated walls to allow it's use as a lecture room. Recently we upgraded to an E&S Digistar7 operating system with 4K projectors.  The planetarium is used for teaching classes, public outreach, and astronomy education research projects.

Selected Publications

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By J. Ward Moody (et al.)

We report on seven nights of optical observation taken over a two-week period, and the resultant analysis of the intermediate-frequency peaked BL Lac object (IBL), BL Lac itself, at redshift z = 0.069. The microvariable behavior can be confirmed over the course of minutes for each night. A relativistic beaming model was used in our analysis, to infer changes to the line of sight angles for the motion of the different relativistic components. This model has very few free parameters. The light curves we generated show both high and moderate frequency cadence to the variable behavior of BL Lac itself, in addition to the well documented long-term variability.

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By J W Moody (et al.)
Abstract: We present a multiwavelength study of the flat-spectrum radio quasar CTA 102 during 2013–2017. We use radio-to-optical data obtained by the Whole Earth Blazar Telescope, 15 GHz data from the Owens Valley Radio Observatory, 91 and 103 GHz data from the Atacama Large Millimeter Array, near-infrared data from the Rapid Eye Monitor telescope, as well as data from the Swift (optical-UV and X-rays) and Fermi (γ-rays) satellites to study flux and spectral variability and the correlation between flux changes at different wavelengths. Unprecedented γ-ray flaring activity was observed during 2016 November–2017 February, with four major outbursts. A peak flux of (2158 ± 63) × 10−8 ph cm−2 s−1, corresponding to a luminosity of (2.2 ± 0.1) × 1050 erg s−1, was reached on 2016 December 28. These four γ-ray outbursts have corresponding events in the near-infrared, optical, and UV bands, with the peaks observed at the same time. A general agreement between X-ray and γ-ray activity is found. The γ-ray flux variations show a general, strong correlation with the optical ones with no time lag between the two bands and a comparable variability amplitude. This γ-ray/optical relationship is in agreement with the geometrical model that has successfully explained the low-energy flux and spectral behaviour, suggesting that the long-term flux variations are mainly due to changes in the Doppler factor produced by variations of the viewing angle of the emitting regions. The difference in behaviour between radio and higher energy emission would be ascribed to different viewing angles of the jet regions producing their emission.
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By J W Moody (et al.)
Abstract: The object 4C 71.07 is a high-redshift blazar whose spectral energy distribution shows a prominent big blue bump and a strong Compton dominance. We present the results of a two-year multiwavelength campaign led by the Whole Earth Blazar Telescope (WEBT) to study both the quasar core and the beamed jet of this source. The WEBT data are complemented by ultraviolet and X-ray data from Swift, and by γ-ray data by Fermi. The big blue bump is modelled by using optical and near-infrared mean spectra obtained during the campaign, together with optical and ultraviolet quasar templates. We give prescriptions to correct the source photometry in the various bands for the thermal contribution, in order to derive the non-thermal jet flux. The role of the intergalactic medium absorption is analysed in both the ultraviolet and X-ray bands. We provide opacity values to deabsorb ultraviolet data, and derive a best-guess value for the hydrogen column density of $N_{\rm H}^{\rm best}=6.3 \times 10^{20} \rm \, cm^{-2}$ through the analysis of X-ray spectra. We estimate the disc and jet bolometric luminosities, accretion rate, and black hole mass. Light curves do not show persistent correlations among flux changes at different frequencies. We study the polarimetric behaviour and find no correlation between polarisation degree and flux, even when correcting for the dilution effect of the big blue bump. Similarly, wide rotations of the electric vector polarisation angle do not seem to be connected with the source activity.
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By Burke Boyer, Zacory D. Shakespear, Christiana Zaugg, Mayalen Laker, Daniel Jones, Nicholas Van Alfen, and J. Ward Moody
Abstract: The stellar mass function is assumed to be constant through time. If it is constant, then the flux contribution to HII regions from hot, high mass stars would remain uniform with redshift. If this contribution has changed, then the mean H ii region temperature would change with increasing redshift. To quantify how mean stellar temperature may have evolved with time, we mapped the temperature of H ii regions to a redshift of about z = 0.7 using SDSS spectral data. We find no distance dependence with temperature.
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By Ryan William Lesser, J. Ward Moody, Jackson Steele, John Bohman, Matthew McNeff, Michael D. Joner, and Jonathan Barnes
Abstract: Broadband photometric redshifts are routinely obtained for galaxies to estimate their distances. While effective for many uses, the common resolution in z of 0.01–0.02 is too coarse for detailed large-scale structure mapping, particularly in low-density volumes where the galaxy distribution is least understood. To map galaxies in these low-density volumes, and noting that the percentage of galaxies having emission tends to rise as number density decreases, we have designed a filter system to photometrically measure the redshifts of galaxies with emission. The system consists of two “ramp” filters that cover a common wavelength range with transmission curves sloping from blue to red and from red to blue respectively. This causes the intensity of the image through either filter to be a function of the wavelength of the emission line. A third filter with a bandpass to the side is used to measure and remove the continuum. We have obtained a set of such filters that are tuned for isolating Hα in the redshift range of 3,000–9,000 km s−1. Simulated photometry, applied to spectra of 197 emission-line galaxies from the SDSS, shows the accuracy of the method to be between 250 and 620 km s−1, depending on line strength. Actual photometry of a sample of 16 active galaxies measured their redshifts with an accuracy of 573 km s−1. This is approximately an order of magnitude more accurate than broadband photometric redshifts. We discuss the errors inherent in this method and present ways to modify the filter set to further improve accuracy.
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By J. Ward Moody (et al.)
Abstract: As part of a series of studies that integrate new and existing observations with innovative analysis as demonstrations for how the new ODIN (Optical Delving Infrared iNnovation)
facility will be used, we examine early results that establish the potential of polarization signatures as a new method of performing Space Situational Awareness (SSA) analysis. We will show ways in which the polarization data supports existing methods for extracting signature features that correlate well with photometric methods. Also, importantly, we will show feature extractions that cannot be done with existing methods. We know that some features in brightness are caused by near-glint reflection off solar panels, while others are small amplitude glints off minor support structures or from facets or edges on the main body of the spacecraft. We see polarization features from all of these constructions. We conclude that polarization studies will significantly aid the detailed interpretation of physical structures such as solar panels, facets, and communications antennae via non-resolved observations. Thus, polarization is an important complement to photometric observations.